Water Preparedness

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In any emergency scenario, staying hydrated is most important for your well-being and survival. Access to clean drinking water may become limited during such situations, making water preparedness a critical aspect of your emergency plan.

We will provide beginner's tips on how to ensure you have an adequate supply of safe drinking water when faced with unexpected events.

  1. Understand the Importance of Water: Water is essential for our bodies to function properly. It regulates body temperature, aids in digestion, and supports various vital functions. During emergencies, stress, and physical exertion, our bodies require even more water. Recognizing the significance of water will help you prioritize its storage and consumption.

  2. Stockpile Sufficient Water: Aim to store at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation purposes. A three-day supply is a good starting point, but consider extending it to two weeks or more if possible. Store water in food-grade containers that are clean, airtight, and free from chemicals. Commercially sealed bottled water is also a convenient option.
    Water Cubes

  3. Water Purification Methods: In case your supply runs low or you need to obtain water from alternative sources, it's crucial to have water purification methods available. Consider portable water filters, water purification tablets, or water treatment drops. These options can help remove or neutralize harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites from water sources like rivers, lakes, or rainwater.
    Berkey Water Filtration Systems


  4. Boiling Water: Boiling is an effective method to kill most pathogens in water. If possible, have a backup heat source, such as a camping stove or firewood, to boil water. Boil water vigorously for at least one minute (or three minutes at higher altitudes) to ensure it's safe to drink. Allow the water to cool before consuming.

  5. Rainwater Harvesting: Rainwater can be an additional source of drinking water during emergencies. Set up a rainwater collection system using clean containers or barrels. Install a filter to remove debris and sediment before storing the rainwater. Remember to purify rainwater before drinking by using filtration or boiling methods.

  6. Utilize Water from Hot Water Tanks and Ice Cubes: In certain situations, you can use water from your hot water tank as a temporary water source. Turn off the power or gas supply to the tank, let it cool, and then use the faucet at the bottom to access the water. Additionally, if you have ice cubes in your freezer, these can melt and provide additional drinking water.

  7. Learn to Conserve Water: During emergencies, water conservation is crucial. Implement simple practices like turning off faucets when not in use, taking shorter showers, and reusing water where possible (e.g., for flushing toilets or watering plants). These measures will help stretch your water supply and ensure it lasts longer.

  8. Regularly Rotate and Treat Water: Water stored for long periods should be regularly rotated to maintain freshness. Replace stored water every six months to a year. Label containers with the date of storage to keep track. Additionally, if using water treatment tablets or drops, follow the instructions and check expiration dates to ensure their effectiveness.
    Purify Tabs

Water preparedness is an essential part of any emergency plan. By understanding the importance of water, stockpiling a sufficient supply, and knowing how to purify alternative sources, you can ensure hydration and health during challenging times. Remember to regularly review and maintain your water supply, conserving water whenever possible. Stay prepared, stay hydrated, and stay resilient in any emergency scenario.


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